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This page was created especially to save history of Polish peasants and agriculture showned on medails. 

A village and its inhabitants, due to its role in feeding the population and close contact with nature, has always been interested in other social groups living in cities and delivering them gifts of nature.

About rich countries people used to say "flowing with milk and honey". The relationship with nature and the beauty of nature always was an inspiration of poets, painters, writers and sculptors, which appeared all colours of nature, dont forget about the people working on the land. These images were often too colourful and idyllic while working on the willage, over the years life most large social stratum, the peasantry, was far from peaceful.

One of the types of transferring artistic image of the village, its inhabitants and the environment are medals, which combines the work and art. The product of this field are small forms as medals, plaques and medalions. They were made primarily from metals and the iralloys, and later on also of stone, stucco, ceramic mterials, minerals, plastic and other materials.

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